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Lab Armor®
Stay Temp™ Tray


  • 39956-050: 1 Liter Stay Temp™ Tray with 1 liter of Lab Armor® Beads

  • 39956-001: 2 Liter Stay Temp™ Tray with 2 liters of Lab Armor® Beads

  • 39956-003: 4 Liter Stay Temp™ Tray with 4 Liters of Lab Armor® Beads

Modern Upgrade.

Use Lab Armor Stay Temp Trays inside an oven, incubator or refrigerator to give your samples and reagents protection from temperature fluctuations associated with opening and closing equipment doors. You no longer will need to worry about how many times doors were opened or whether your samples were exposed to temperature controller cycling variabilities.

✓  Cleaner working environment

✓  Greater organization capabilities as samples are held in place

✓  Great thermal back up in case of power outages

✓  Environmentally friendly

  • Temperature range: -80°C to 180°C

  • High thermal conductivity

  • Non-toxic, non-vaporizing, antimicrobial

  • No daily requirement for biocides, germicides and other cleaners

  • Smooth rounded shape allows fluidity and will conform to many sizes and shapes of vessels.

  • No Racks, floats or weights required to hold items in place

  • Recyclable*


*Must follow biohazard disposal protocols if beads have been used in biohazardous work.

Maintaining Temperature Stability.

Samples stay at temperature even when refrigerator door is left open for 5 min. With the refrigerator door open for 5 minutes, a 5 ml liquid sample (water) remained at the set temperature (2 ºC ±0.5 ºC) when stored in a 4 L Stay Temp™ equipment Tray. When the same sample was stored in a standard rack, it warmed up to 6ºC. The sample temperature was monitored over time. 


Data represent temperature measurements recorded by a single temperature probe. Values represent ±S.E. (n=3).

Lab Armor® Stay Temp™ Tray Temperature Graph
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