a Modern Upgrade.
Lab Armor Beads are dry metallic beads that replace water/ice/oil/sand in baths, giving old equipment a cool, shiny, state-of-the-art upgrade.
Switching to Beads in your laboratory is the right choice, because Beads:
Stay Clean. Lab Armor eliminates water bath contamination, harmful germicides, and unpleasant maintenance.
Beads are dry and naturally more resistant to microbial growth than water, and therefore, are less likely to harbor and contribute to transmitting microorganisms in the laboratory.
Save Time & Money. Lab Armor Beads will help you save time and money. No more hassling with emptying, cleaning, and refilling water baths.
Are Always On. The bath stays on so there is no need to plan around warm-up times. Lab Armor Beads eliminate the worry about low water burnout because there is no water to evaporate.
Other benefits of using Lab Armor Beads:
Cleaner working environment.
Greater organization capabilities as samples are held in place without racks or other accessories.
Environmentally friendly.